The fury stirred up among the Nigerian police and military by Fela's confrontational Alagbon Close(1974) and Kalakuta Show (1976), and the beatings and harassments Fela and Africa 70 suffered as a consequence, were as nothing compared to the reprisals following 1976's Zombie. Within months of its release, a brutal army attack left Fela's Kalakuta Republic compound burned to the ground and many of its residents, including Fela, assaulted and seriously injured. On the title track, over an urgent, quick-march accompaniment from Afrika 70, Fela and the backup singers ridicule the mindset of men in uniform. "Attention! Quick march! Slow march! Salute!" sings Fela, "Fall in! Fall out! Fall down! Go and kill! Go and die! Go and quench!" Each phrase is followed by the women singers' taunting response, "Zombie!" Fela continues: "No brains, no job, no sense joro jara jo; tell am to go kill joro jara jo; tell am to go quench joro jara jo (meaning, "no brains, no job, no sense left right left; tell him to go kill left right left; tell him to go die left right left.") New, sealed.